Interest Groups

Interest Groups are a way to connect with other psychiatrists around areas of mutual interest.  Most communication occurs over email, but other options are possible.  MPS members can opt in indefinitely to receive information and the opportunity to share news, ideas and concerns with participating members, who can leave the group any time.  To join or ask questions, please email your request.

The MPS also has a general listserv that operates similarly, but has no specific focus.  Click here for more details.

Addiction Psychiatry

The MPS Addiction Psychiatry Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on the topic of addictions.  This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Book Club

Virginia Ashley, M.D., Facilitator (email)

Meets quarterly to discuss a book, fiction or non-fiction, chosen by the group in advance.  These are social gatherings with stimulating discussion and light refreshment.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

The MPS Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on the treatment of children and youth.  This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Climate, Environment and Disaster Psychiatry

The MPS Climate, Environment, and Disaster Psychiatry Interest Groups facilitates members and the MPS connecting on ways in which psychiatry and climate or environmental disasters are related.  This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Collaborative Care Model

Steve Daviss, M.D. Facilitator (email)

The MPS Collaborative Care Model Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on use of the Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) in Maryland.  This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Monthly virtual meetings are held via Zoom and other communication occurs over a listserv.  Other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry

The MPS Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on the topic of C-L psychiatry.  This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Forensic Psychiatry

The MPS Forensic Psychiatry Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on the topic of forensics.  This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Geriatric Psychiatry

Tamala D. McClam, M.D., Moderator (email)

The MPS Geriatric Psychiatry Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on the topic of geriatrics.  This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Health Policy 

The MPS Health Policy Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on a range of threats and opportunities resulting from state government actions.  Information is shared via a listserv and participants are invited to post comments and concerns that can assist the MPS in formulating a response that serves the interests of psychiatrists and their patients.

Neuromodulation in Psychiatry

The Neuromodulation in Psychiatry Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on the topic of Neuromodulation through neurofeedback and neurostimulation.  It discusses the use of ECT, EEG and Quantitative EEG, TMS, VNS and other neuromodulation therapies and techniques. This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.

Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry

The Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry Interest Group facilitates members and the MPS connecting on the topic of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.  It discusses the use of psychotherapies, such as Cognitive-Behavioral, Interpersonal and Psychodynamic psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis in the practice of psychiatry. This is a private, opt-in forum for MPS members only.  Most communication occurs over a listserv but other options are possible depending on group preferences.