Residents & Fellows

Opportunities and Resources:

Join the MPS Listserv!  Easily share information with colleagues by sending an email message to the listserv, which goes to all members who have joined.  Posts can be clinical questions, information, thought-provoking articles and more.  To join, go to  You will need to wait for approval and will be notified by email. If you have any trouble, please call the MPS office at 410-625-0232.

Get Recognition via the annual MPS poster and paper contests.  See the MPS Academic Psychiatry Committee page for details.

Member Spotlight Series! Have you recently worked on an exciting research project?  Reached a milestone in your career and want to share it? Submit a short article & photo through our Google Form ( to showcase your experiences with the MPS community. We will share your responses on social media and in MPS News. If you have any problems accessing the form, please call the MPS office at 410-625-0232.

Connect with the MPS and with other members via MPS social media accounts.  Look out for new posts about MPS happenings and local news. Join the new MPS members-only Facebook group to learn about upcoming events, hear what other members are doing, and stay on top of psychiatry-related news and events.  You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn:

Facebook Group:

Facebook Page:




Get Involved – all MPS members are welcome to join committees of interest, such as Legislative, Payer Relations, Public Psychiatry, Diversity and more.  For information, click here or email

Fellowships are available via the APA and its Foundation with deadlines in January each year:

American Association of Psychiatric Administrators  Membership for residents is free and there is a list of mentors in admin psychiatry for young colleagues.