Summary of Maryland Data from Survey Conducted by NORC

NORC, an independent, non-partisan research institute at the University of Chicago, conducted a survey
of parents to understand their experiences in accessing mental health and/or substance use care. The Survey used convenience sampling across 26 behavioral health consumer organizations and behavioral health provider groups that distributed the NORC Survey link to their members, visitors, and followers via email, website, and/or social media at various periods between December 2021 and April 2022. In total, 2,794 responses to the Survey were received from patients who needed care between January 2019 through April 2022.

Click here to see results for all respondents to the survey and, separately, respondents from Maryland. The total sample size of Maryland respondents was 246.

Multiple studies, including analyses of insurance claims and surveys of employers and providers, have
demonstrated that in-network health insurance coverage for treatment of mental health and substance use conditions remains inadequate and not “on par” with access to in-network health insurance coverage for physical health treatment.

Summary of Maryland Data from Survey Conducted by NORC 08.23.23.LW.2220 (1)