MPS Best Paper Awards

The MPS established annual “best paper” awards to recognize outstanding scholarship by young psychiatrists in Maryland.  Previous winners are listed here.  The Academic Psychiatry Committee is currently soliciting nominations for the 2024 Paper of the Year Award in three categories:

Best Paper by an Early Career Psychiatrist Member (ECP):

Eligible psychiatrists are ECP members who are first authors of papers published or in press in 2024. The winner will receive a $200 cash prize as well as a complimentary ticket to the MPS annual dinner in April 2025. Dinner ticket funding courtesy of the Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry.

Best Paper by a Resident-Fellow Member (RFM):

Eligible psychiatrists are Resident-Fellow members who are first authors of papers that were written, in press, and/or published in 2024. The winner will receive a $200 cash prize as well as a complimentary ticket to the MPS annual dinner in April 2025. Dinner ticket funding courtesy of the Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry.

Best Paper by a Medical Student Member (MSM):

Eligible students are Medical Student Members who are first authors of papers that were written, in press, and/or published in 2024. The winner will receive a $200 cash prize as well as a complimentary ticket to the MPS annual dinner in April 2025. Dinner ticket funding courtesy of the Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry.

Scholarly work of all kinds (e.g., scientific reports, reviews, case reports) will be considered.  If you would like to nominate a paper and author, please email the paper to either of the co-chairs below by February 14, 2025.  Please include a brief explanation of why you believe the work is worthy of special recognition.

Matthew Peters, M.D.

Traci Speed, M.D., Ph.D.

Academic Psychiatry Committee Co-Chairs