2025 Poster Contest for Residents & Fellows

This will be another exciting year for the MPS poster competition for Resident-Fellow Members. All entries will be displayed at our annual meeting in April 2025. In addition, thanks to generous funding from the Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry, the winner will receive a $200 cash prize as well as a complimentary ticket to the meeting. Two finalists will also be selected and will receive $100 each in addition to complimentary tickets.

Please see the information below for more information. The deadline to enter the competition is January 31. Electronic copies of posters are due February 10. For more information, or to apply see below:

Poster Presentation at the 2025 MPS Annual Meeting

Since the aim is to encourage trainees to present posters, the process has been made exceedingly simple. ALL posters related to psychiatry will be considered.

Getting Started:

To start the submission process, by January 31st send an email to Matthew Peters, M.D., Co-Chair of the MPS Academic Psychiatry Committee (mpeter42@jhmi.edu), Traci J. Speed, M.D., Ph.D., Co-Chair of the MPS Academic Psychiatry Committee (speed@jhmi.edu ) and Meagan Floyd, MPS Associate Director (mfloyd@mdpsych.org) with the following information:

Name of presenting author. Names of the coauthors are not needed.
2. Level of training of the presenting author: resident or fellow
3. Institution
4. What the poster is about. Don’t need exact title.
The Process:

All posters in electronic format need to be sent via email to Drs. Peters, Speed and Ms. Floyd by March 1. The top three entries will be selected to be highlighted at the MPS Annual Dinner.


Posters usually presented are either case reports or an original research project. Occasionally, a focused literature review may be suitable.

Presenting Author(s):

Only medical residents and fellows may present posters.
The first author is designated as the “Presenting Author.” That person will explain to people who come to the poster and to the Judge what the poster is about.
More than one trainees can be Co-Presenters if they have worked on the poster together. No more than three trainees may co-present a poster.
Certificates are given only to the Presenters/ Co-presenters and not to other authors.
The first author of the poster, the Presenter, and the Co-Presenter must be trainees and not faculty members.
Coauthors, if any, may be trainees or faculty members. Any number of coauthors is permitted.
If the poster shows someone other than a trainee as the first author, the poster will be automatically disqualified from consideration for a prize.
All Presenting Authors and Co-presenters get a certificate of participation.
If the poster wins a prize, each Presenter and Co-Presenter will get a certificate about the award. The prize (e.g., gift card) will be shared equally among the Co-presenters (not the coauthors).
Guidelines for Original Research posters:

Posters must report only the findings of the research or clinical data, no advertising or product identification by brand name is allowed.
You can submit a poster previously submitted for another competition within the past 3 years.
If any of the work in this poster was prepared with commercial support, a statement “Supported by funding from (name of company)” must be clearly displayed in block letters in the lower left corner of the poster.
Research with human or animal subject must have advance approval from the appropriate review boards of your institution or governing body.
Information regarding unapproved uses of approved products or investigational uses of unapproved products must be clearly presented with the following statement included on the poster: “The following information concerns a use that has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”

Guidelines for Case Reports:

The material should be selected for educational value: What can we learn from this case report?
The material must disguise all identifying patient information.
Posters should be as self-explanatory as possible.
Place the title, author(s), and institution at the top of the poster
Use simple charts, graphs, drawings, and pictures where possible
At the top left of the poster, start with an Abstract
Place each section sequentially on the poster. Use headings, numbers, letters, or arrows to help the viewer to follow the material in the correct order.
Captions and labels should be brief and clear.