2024 MPS Member Survey Results

A total of 134 members gave input to the MPS via the annual survey that helps guide how committees, Council, and staff work over the next year. About the same as 2023 when 148 responded, the results represent 18% of the membership

Members shared nearly 100 CME needs, with psychopharmacology-related topics by far the most frequently requested. There were also a number of requests for programs on mood disorders, ketamine treatment, substance use disorders, and legislative issues. 85% percent of respondents indicated they would attend a psychopharmacology update. The next most desired topic was management of psychiatric disorders in pregnant patients, followed by borderline personality disorders.

Legislation and Advocacy
The 2024 survey polled six priorities for legislation and advocacy. Three were ranked higher than the rest, with Access to Equitable, Quality Care scoring the highest for member priority. Scope of Practice and Reimbursement/Parity were also ranked highly, with Scope of Practice chosen more frequently as the top priority. These were followed by Licensure Requirements/Mandatory Training. Addressing Social Determinants of Health was ranked next and Outpatient Commitment/Involuntary Treatment was lowest. While the surveys are not directly comparable, this year respondents put a higher priority on Access to Equitable, Quality Care compared with the 2023 results. Additionally, members requested a wide range of issues to address legislatively, frequently mentioning prior authorization and lack of hospital beds.

Telehealth Check In
42% of respondents are not at all concerned about possibly need an in-person visit to prescribe controlled substances via telehealth, 39% are concerned, and 19% are very concerned.

Emergency Petitions
When executing emergency petitions, 81% of respondent’s interactions with law enforcement have stayed the same, 10% have improved, and 9% have gotten worse. Additionally, 48% of respondents stated that when executing emergency petitions, patient and family interactions with law enforcement included appropriate attempts at de-escalation. 47% selected that there was a timely response, 43% selected that there was communication with a clinician, and 38% selected that there was a refusal to accept/execute an emergency petition.

Interest Group: Philosophy of Psychiatry
The majority of respondents were not interested in participating in a new MPS Interest Group focusing on the Philosophy of Psychiatry; however, 17% indicated Yes.

The Maryland Psychiatrist
Respondents shared that The Maryland Psychiatrist is most useful for staying up to date on the psychiatric community and hearing from MPS members. Recommended topics for articles included interesting experiences and cases, community resources within Maryland, and clinical information and research. [Members interested in submitting articles to be published can email mps@mdpsych.org.]

Improving Diversity
As part of the MPS initiatives to address structural racism and inclusion, the survey asked members for their ideas about other ways the organization can improve diversity. Many respondents suggested more diversity in leadership, educational programs focused on diversity, and direct personal outreach. Engaging trainees, mentorship programs, and lowering member dues for members of minority groups were other ideas.

Increasing and Retaining Members
MPS received ideas from 70 members about how to increase and retain members. Responses ranged from decreasing dues to more active engagement like social events and networking opportunities. Ideas also included focusing on residents and younger members, highlighting the MPS Listserv as a unique benefit of membership, hosting more free CME programs, continuing advocacy, and increasing visibility.

Satisfaction and Value
Overall, 83% of respondents are satisfied with the MPS (37% very satisfied), while 15% are neutral, 2% are unsatisfied. The rates of satisfaction are almost the same as 2023. Respondents indicated the member benefits that are most important. Again this year, influencing how psychiatry is practiced in Maryland received the highest total, followed by the MPS News and legislative reports and representation with state government, 52% of votes and 43% of votes respectively. MPS CME activities and “having a place to turn to with questions” came next with similar totals, and the MPS Listserv and APA membership followed. Benefits that received a moderate response were networking events/meetings, The Maryland Psychiatrist, and MPS committees and interest groups. Consistent with results in recent years, Online Find a Psychiatrist and Patient referrals were least important to respondents.

How MPS Can Better Serve Members
Respondents gave feedback about what they want the MPS to do in the future. Many said keep up the good work. Other very frequent responses included:

  • Advocacy and work with state government
  • In-person networking events
  • CME programming
  • Increasing participation within committees

Respondent Characteristics
43% private practice (vs 42% last year), of which 69% are solo, 23% academic (vs 23%), 13% private/public (vs 12%) and 12% public sector (vs 14%). 5% were retired compared with 4% last year.

9% 1-5 years of practice, 3% 6-10 years, 19% 11-20 years, 61% over 20 and 7% still in training. These demographics indicate less participation from younger members compared to 2023.

80% Central Maryland, 9% DC Suburbs, 3% Western Mary-land, 3% Eastern Shore, and of the rest many are in Central MD.


Click here for the complete survey results.