Connect With MPS Members in 2024

Interested in reaching our members or advertising with the MPS? Please click here for rate information!

Maryland Psychiatric Society, the state medical specialty organization representing close to 800 psychiatrists, offers several ways to communicate directly with its members.  Below are some options to help spread the word about job openings, insurance offerings, behavioral health services, medications, continuing medical education programs and other information of interest to psychiatrists. Contact Meagan Floyd at or 410-625-0232 for more information.

Advertising Opportunities Create or Maintain Awareness

MPS Newsa monthly, full color, e-publication sent directly to all members.

  • Classified ads (text only) ads – Classified ads include a 30-day listing on the MPS website for that month’s issue.
  • Display ads (formatted for specified size, with logo, etc.) can also be posted online, if desired.

Ad orders close on the 20th of the preceding month. Click here for rates.

Online Only Ads – If an urgent need arises and it’s too long to wait for the next issue of MPS News, ads can be posted on the MPS website ASAP for the same cost indicated above.

The Maryland PsychiatristPublished two or three times per year, this journal-style full color, e-publication is sent directly to all members.  It includes display ads only. Click here for rates.

Homepage Ads: The MPS website includes homepage ads! Expand your web presence to include our site, which has timely, useful information for psychiatrists as well as a Find a Psychiatrist tool for the public. Availability is limited so please send your order as soon as possible to secure your space.  These ads are reserved on a first come first served basis. Click here for more information: MPS Homepage Ads

MPS Membership Directory: Members consistently rank the annual directory high among their membership benefits since it is an excellent reference for information and referrals.  This print publication is sent directly to all members.  Advertisers receive a complimentary copy with their order. The Directory includes display ads only. Deadline to reserve ads is July 30th.  Click here for rates.

Direct Mail Opportunities Maximize Flexibility  

Mailing Label Rental: Electronic labels, sent directly to a mail house, or a set of peel and stick labels sent via USPS are both available.  All label rentals are one-time use only. Material must be submitted to the MPS office for approval prior to mailing.  This option gives the most flexibility for delivering the content desired with optimal timing.  Click here for rates.

E-Blast: Email forwarding service to MPS members for outside organizations. The email text and attachments must be submitted to the MPS office for approval and forwarding by the MPS office via email directly to members.  This option also accommodates timing considerations and reaches viewers most quickly.  Click here for rates.

Package Offers

Advertising and Support Package offers provide flexibility and coverage to reach this audience with event information, position openings for psychiatrists, products and services available, and generally maintaining awareness and providing updates. Availability is limited so please send your order as soon as possible to secure your space.  We will reserve home page ads on a first come first served basis. Click here for more information: MPS Advertising Package Offers